Quiz Night!

Join us on Saturday 22nd February (first round at 6.45pm) for our Quiz Night! This is a light hearted evening with loads of general knowledge questions on various themes, including picture rounds. It’s suitable for all adults and older children too. There will be snacks on the tables, tea, coffee and cold drinks too. There are small prizes for the winning teams! We’ll have a brief Bible talk between two of the rounds to keep us thinking about the big questions of life.

Come with a whole team if you like! Or come on your own or with a friend … most people just join a team when they arrive. Everyone is very welcome!

For directions, or to ask us any question, please click here.

2025 Upcoming Events!

Our calendar of events for 2025 is available at church … do pick one up at any service!

Sunday 12th January : Fellowship Meal after the 11.00am service (NO evening service that day). Bring and share hot food, plus afternoon devotions! All are welcome!

We will publish more information and other future events closer to the time. Watch this space!

The Reading Scheme at Central Baptist Church

From Sunday 18th April 2021, we have a reading scheme at the church, where you can borrow recommended Christian books on a wide variety of topics for free!

A good Christian book can help the believer to understand better what the Bible says. God can use such books so that we can learn more about God, love him and praise him more, become more like Jesus, grow in our faith, and understand God’s will for our lives.

We thank God that there are so many good Christian books available today! But where should you start? This reading scheme picks out some trustworthy Christian books on a variety of subjects. We pray that the Lord would help us all to know and love him better because of these books.

How to Use the Reading Scheme

• The books can be borrowed after services on a Sunday. The books are kept in two bookcases near the electric piano. They are arranged in alphabetical order by author,
except a few on display.
• Start wherever you like : choose a book which interests you.
• You don’t have to read them in order, and you don’t have to read them all.
• Some of the books are very short – they are often more like booklets than books!
• You can borrow up to 2 books at a time.
• Please bring the book back within ONE MONTH.
• It’s free!

Click here for more details and a full list of all the books in the scheme!

Restoration Works

Since The autumn of 2014, and on into May 2015 there was a major restoration project going on. The brick, which were 100 years old in 2014, were in need of cleaning, repair and even replacing in some cases. A local firm, Fullers, who specialise in restoration of historical buildings, did the work under the watchful eye of a conservation architect, Anthony Fensome.

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2014 was Our Centenary Year : 100 years of Worship at Orford Road!

In the autumn of 1874, a new church began near Boundary Road (read more here). The church grew and more space was needed. There was also a desire to be closer to the developing town of Walthamstow. So on 13th June 1914, our present building in Orford Road was opened! So 2014 was the centenary of the church worshipping in the building in Orford Road, and we took the opportunity to thank God for his faithfulness of those 100 years.

Over the weekend of the 14th and 15th June 2014, we held special services to thank God for his goodness to the church over 100 years. The Saturday saw a reunion thanksgiving service. We enjoyed seeing old members return to us, and lots of friendships were renewed. Thanks to everyone who helped with the tea for 160-170 people!! Roger Carswell spoke on the privilege of the church to spread the good news of Christ’s suffering, resurrection and the need for repentance leading to the forgiveness of sins.

Sunday morning’s anniversary service included a message on the significance of people, the significance of our service to the Lord and the significance of everyone who has been saved : an encouragement to us all! In the evening, around 250 to 300 people came to the Songs of Praise service. We were glad to be joined by other local churches (including the music group from Grove Hill Evangelical Church who accompanied our sung praise!), as well as some friends, neighbours and family members that were invited. Roger Carswell spoke for a third time, and spoke of why Christians sing … from when they are saved, through every part of life (including suffering) and into heaven itself! See the photos below.

We thank God for a great time together, for helpful Bible teaching, for all who came, for enabling many people in the church to serve together at this time. And we trust God will continue to use his Word in people’s lives!

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