Mid Week

Bible Study

Once a fortnight, on a Wednesday morning from 10.30 – 11.30am, and then repeated on a Thursday evening from 8pm to 9pm, there is a Bible Study in the back halls of the church. This is sometimes replaced by a member’s meeting, so please check the dates below. The format of the Bible Study may change sometimes. For example, we have done a course which took us through a Christian book, using a DVD presentation to get us thinking. But usually we look at a passage from the Bible and respond to questions set by the Bible Study Leader. The evenings are designed to help us apply God’s Word to our lives. Everyone is welcome! Please use the entrance round to the right hand side of the church, just along the drive.

2024 dates for Bible Studies :

Weds at 10.30am : 10th Jan, 7th and 21st Feb, 6th and 20th Mar, 3rd Apr, 15th and 29th  May, 12th and 26th Jun, 24th Jul, 7th and 21st August, 4th and 18th Sept, 2nd and 30th Oct, 13th and 27th Nov, 11th Dec

Thurs at 8.00pm : 11th Jan, 8th and 22nd Feb, 7th and 21st Mar, 4th Apr, 16th and 30th May, 13th and 27th Jun, 25th Jul, 8th and 22nd August, 5th and 19th Sept, 3rd and 31st Oct, 14th and 28th Nov, 12th Dec


On alternate weeks (when there is not a Bible Study … see above), we have a number of home prayer groups around Walthamstow. These groups meet for 45-60 minutes and start with a very brief passage from the Bible and a comment from the group leader. But the central focus is prayer. No-one has to pray, but we encourage believers to call out to God and ask him to be at work in our lives, the life of the church, the lives of others we know and in the life of our nation and our world. For more information on locations, days and times, please contact us.

Wednesday Morning Prayer Meetings

Every Wednesday at 10.30am there is a prayer meeting in the back hall of the church (or sometimes the lounge, especially in colder weather!!). This lasts for one hour, and begins with a thought from the Bible before focusing on prayer for the church, the nation and the world, as well as individuals we know. Everyone is welcome! On Wednesdays before a Thursday Bible Study, we run a repeat of the Thursday Bible Study. Again, all are welcome.

Central Prayer Meetings

Three times a year, we have a prayer meeting in the back halls of the church on a Wednesday evening at 8.00pm. Homegroups that week are cancelled. We meet to express our dependence upon God for every aspect of ministry here at Central, and to worship him together. All are welcome!

2024 Central Prayer Meetings : 13th Mar, 3rd July, 20th Nov

Midweek Children’s and Youth Groups

For information on our Friday children’s and youth groups, please click here