

We will be streaming our Sunday services, God willing, every Sunday at 11.00am and 6.30pm. We do not stream our Church Tea services on the evening of the 3rd Sunday of each month. We have a channel on YouTube called “Central Baptist Church Orford Road Walthamstow”. You can click here to get to our YouTube channel, and then just click on the video you are interested in.

If you have any questions, click here to send us a message.

Sunday Mornings

Our services begin at 11.00am every Sunday. We seek to praise God reverently and joyfully through the singing of Bible-centred, God-focused hymns and songs, and through our prayers. Our worship also includes Bible readings and a sermon. The sermon is usually about 30 minutes long, and generally looks at one short passage from the Bible. The preacher will seek to explain, in simple terms, what God is saying in the passage, and how it affects our lives today. The service may also include, from time to time, a testimony about how God has been working in someone’s life, a review of a Christian book, some news of a missionary or an item about a current news topic which affects Christians.

The morning service also includes a collection, but this is aimed at regulars who wish to support the church’s ministry – please, please do not feel you have to give anything at all.

Everyone is welcome to our services, whatever your beliefs. You are welcome to ask us any questions after the service!

Sunday Evenings

Sunday evening services are held in the back hall at 6.30pm (please use the entrance round to the right hand side of the building). They are similar to morning services in that there will be singing and praying and Bible teaching, but with different songs and prayers, and different passages from the Bible. There is no collection. But the format differs in other ways : sometimes there will be a longer testimony, and there is often a time of open prayer where anyone may pray respectfully to the Lord (but no-one is forced to pray aloud!). It is another opportunity to worship God and to learn from his word, and we encourage all believers to come to church twice on Sunday where possible.

In 2025, there are no evening services on Sundays 12th Jan, 23rd March and 13th July – see Sunday Lunches below.


We celebrate the Lord’s Supper in the morning on the 3rd Sunday of each month, and in the evening on the 1st Sunday of each month. This is a time when Christians remember the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. It forms part of the service, and everyone who is trusting in Jesus Christ alone for salvation is welcome. It is not for people who are not yet believers or are just finding out more, but everyone is encouraged to see what goes on – just let the bread and wine pass you by when it comes round.

Sunday Tea

On the third Sunday of most months, we have a church tea from 5.30pm until the start of the evening service at 6.30pm. On these days the evening service is often less formal, and may involve a guest speaker. This service is not streamed on YouTube. You are welcome to just turn up to church teas and enjoy food and fellowship with us. If you wish, you can bring sandwiches or crisps or cakes to share with us.

In 2025, there is no church tea in January, March, April or July due to Easter and Sunday Lunches – see below.

Sunday Lunch

On occasion, we have a lunch after the morning service, which is an excellent time to talk to one another and enjoy good food. Following the lunch there is a short devotion from the Bible. There are no evening services on these days. 2025 Dates for Fellowship lunches : 12th Jan, 23rd March, 13th July